
Hummus is something I can’t remember trying for the first time because I’ve never known life without it, and I don’t think there will ever be a day where I’d turn down a dip into its creamy chickpea waters. Aside from one brand available in supermarkets, the tubbed variety is really just… not hummus. Real hummus, in all its homemade glory, is fresh and nutty, spiked with lemon and a touch of garlic and should be somewhat airy and delectably smooth. Best served at room temperature, drizzled in good quality olive oil and a dash of sumac. Sharing with friends, optional.


Makes 500g

Recipe adapted from Ottolenghi/Samimi’s Basic Hummus recipe in their gorgeous cookbook, Jerusalem



250g dry chickpeas (equates to roughly 500g when cooked and skins removed)

1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

1.5 litres water

3 garlic cloves

170g light tahini

Juice of 1 lemon

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

Sumac, olive oil, toasted pine nuts* (to serve)



  1. Soak the dry chickpeas overnight in double the amount of water.

  2. The next day drain the chickpeas and cook in a saucepan on a high heat with the bicarbonate of soda for a few minutes before adding the water. Cook for 30-40 minutes or until the chickpeas are tender.

  3. Once cooled enough to handle, pop the chickpeas out of the skins using your thumbs, index and middle finger. It’s therapeutic, trust me.

  4. Add the chickpeas to a food processor with the garlic and salt and pulse until crumb-like. Add the lemon juice and tahini and blitz until smooth. Next, keep the blender running and pour in about 100-120ml of cold water and blend for a few minutes until you have what is pretty much the most delicious hummus around. Leave to rest for 20-30 minutes before serving, otherwise keep refrigerated until needed.

  5. To serve, spread lovingly on a plate, adorn with a drizzle of olive oil, a dusting of sumac and a few toasted pine nuts.

  6. Serve at room temperature.

*Spread the pine nuts on a baking sheet and blast at full temp for 3-5 minutes.